Category: rules of the game

Table Etiquette – CLOCK

Does this situation look familiar to you… Ok, so the wait may not have been this long, but it was pretty damn long and you were waiting on someone to act, or maybe the guy was you, and you were…

Poker Strategy – I Wear My Sunglasses at Night…

If you’re an 80’s music lover, you will know the following song… If you’ve watched any televised poker tournament, then the image of the hat and sunglasses are familiar. Outside of looking like they’re hiding from the TMZ tour bus,…

Poker Tournament: Bounty

Think of an old western style wanted poster, like this:   That’s the premise of a bounty tournament in a nut shell. For all intensive purposes, we’ll talk about it in the scope of a holdem game.  Bounty Holdem tournaments…

Poker Strategy – Looking Beyond Your Hand

I hate to say this, but humans, by nature, are born egocentric beings.  It’s a byproduct of our survival instincts.  This instinct eventually widens to familial and communal groups, then later, as the emotional maturity level develops, to altruistic endeavors….

why you should always tip your dealer

Table Etiquette – tipping the dealer

I’m writing this on behalf of all my fellow casino games dealers out there.  You can consider me like the Lorax: I speak for the dealers. “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken…

Beyond Basic Blackjack – More Than Just 21

So it’s your first time on a blackjack table.  You know your premise is to get to as close to 21 as possible, or play in a way to ensure that the dealer busts (goes over 21) – if you…